IG Chairs Meeting

The meeting started with introductions. There were 21 people in attendance representing 13 IG’s.

Margaret Kelly from Bylaws and Organization spoke briefly about IG renewals. IG’s now have a new renewal form. Any IG that is up for renewal should have already been contacted by Margaret. Matt Calsada, the IG Coordinator will be posting a list to the LITA website of IG’s and their respective renewal years after the midwinter meeting.

Gail Clement from the Program Planning Committee distributed a handy guide to LITA programming which will be posted to the IG’s web page under Resources for IG Chairs. Gail urged chairs to discuss their future plans for managed discussions with the PPC. The only way to have something tracked in the conference handbook is by going to the PPC to discuss your discussion. The PPC can also help with fine tuning a program or discussion and also aid in finding guest speakers.

Laura Cohen, IG Web Coordinator, passed around contact information for getting content posted to the LITA website. If IG’s want to post future agenda’s, program handouts or other items, they should contact Laura. Laura will be serving as IG Web Coordinator through Annual 2006.

Holley Long, liaison to ALCTS NRMIG (Networked Resources and Metadata Interest Group), discussed possible partnership opportunities. If any IG Chair thinks they would like to co-sponsor a program or discussion they should contact Holley. Holley will also help to promote IG’s in the NRMIG meetings.

Clara Ruttenberg, Vice-Chair of BIGWIG, announced that IG’s are welcome to use the LITA Blog and should contact Michelle Boule if they need an account.

There was a discussion about notification of a new IG approval. Kitty Canepi, Vice-Chair of Electronic Resource Management, said they were not officially notified that their IG was approved. They did not find out until they saw it on the LITA Website. Matt Calsada will follow up with LITA Board members to find out where that road block is occurring and see if we can get a more efficient way of notifying new IG Chairs that their petition for a new IG was approved by the LITA Board.

Some IG Chairs mentioned that they were not on the COMCHAIR list. Matt will follow up with LITA staff to see what can be done about this problem. In the mean time, agenda’s for the IG Chairs meeting will be disseminated to a wider audience to make sure chairs know about the meeting.