OCLC Symposium – Part 2

Jennifer Rice is the owner of a marketing company and she focuses on the 6 major consumer trends that effect everyone. A brand is reputation, an idea formed in the minds of your constituents. What you say is marketing and what you do, reputation, is brand

What can you do that people desire that is deliverable and distinctive?

Convenience – too many choices and not enough time
brands include 7-11, Netflix, Goole, Amazon, Southwest Airlines
Libraries should be concerned about Netflix, because they are teaching people that they do not have to wait, they can keep things as long as they want, and they can get it delivered to their door. The expectation level is going up.

Community – grassroots economy
The most effective brands hit somewhere on Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. Libraries should view ourselves less as a provider and more as a host. You could offer comfortable seating, internet access, educational classes, beverages, and the idea of “stay awhile.”
community brands: wikipedia

Control – empowerment, people want to do it themselves
We do things online that we used to need a professional to do: travel reservations, home improvement, and stock trading. Our users want this professional joband they like it as long as they are having fun.
Brands: Home Depot (you can do it, we can help)

Choice – people want options
We love choices but they are overwhelming so we outsource to experts or get recommendations. People are willing to pay for convenience and choice. Free only matters if you can not afford it to pay for the service.
Brands: Google, eBay, Amazon, Netflix

Experience – people want to be wowed
WOM (word of mouth)– Being buzz worthy is often the most valuable tool. The internet can not commoditize experience because experience is sensory: sounds, smell, taste, sight, service
Brands: Starbucks, Dave and Busters, Borders (creates an experience around books), Niketown

Trendy – the greatest brands are trendy