New ALA website design concept – request for feedback

Per the Web Advisory Committee (WAC)

The design concept for the ALA website is now available for review. It’s up in Philadelphia on kiosks in the Pennsylvania Convention Center, but anyone can get to the site from anywhere. The URL is http://alamockups.luminanze.com.

Please visit when you get a chance. , Feel free to publicize the URL.

There is a link to a survey at the end of the mockups; please be sure to complete the survey to let us know what you think. Also, please remember this step in the process is just about the graphic design. Interactivity and site architecture and other features will be coming in future iterations of the design.

{URL corrected to http://alamockups.luminanze.com/}


  1. ranti

    The URL above showed some weird strings instead. FYI.

  2. AaronDobbs

    Thanks for catching that, Ranti. All fixed 🙂

  3. Pingback: Feedback on New ALA Website Design « Library Technology in Texas

  4. AaronDobbs

    Per ALA staffer, Sherri Vanyek, on the ALA Web Advisory Committee list regarding the Midwinter kiosks:

    “Just a quick note to fill you in on a problem we experienced, but have already fixed, with the Website Graphic Design Concept survey here at the Midwinter Meeting. Our UserWorks consultant missed a setting that provides for multiple responses from a single IP address. If the user logged out after completing the survey, it worked fine. In those cases where the user simply walked away and the next person chose the option button to start again before the previous session timed out then the setting wouldn’t allow for a second survey from the same IP address.

    FYI, we are continuing to collect responses here at Midwinter through Tuesday. In addition, the URL also has been posted on several lists and blogs.”

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