General information

LITAblog upgrade

Just a note: over the next several days, we will be working behind the scenes to upgrade LITAblog in a few ways, primarily updating software and such on the backend. Our loyal readers shouldn’t notice anything out of the ordinary, but if you do, please email me and let me know:

griffey AT

I will endeavor to make sure that the transition is a smooth one.

Thanks everyone!

EDIT: Since KGS asked: We are going to be updating WordPress to the most current version, currently 2.3.3. Doing so means that we evaluate and examine the plugins being used, and see if they either are still needed with the upgrade (some aren’t, primarily some of the plugins we’re now using for tagging) and some are (most worrisome to me, Podpress, which hasn’t always been the most stable of plugins although the functionality is unsurpassed). After I’m done with the evaluation, I’ll do a post outlining the whole process, if anyone is interested.