NGCIG Meeting at Annual: Next Steps in Next Generation Catalogs

The LITA Next Generation Catalog Interest Group will meet on Monday, June 30, 10:30 a.m. – Noon.
Anaheim Convention Center, 213 C

We will have presentations and discussion about two examples of recent next generation catalog endeavors.

Karen Schneider (Evangelist for Equinox’s Evergreen support) will share what she does as an Evangelist by giving some real world, grounded information on how “Running a Free and Open Source Software ILS does Not Equate to a Tightrope Act with No Net”.

Sara Davidson and Amy Kautzman (Members of UC/OCLC Pilot Implementation Team) will present “Launching a Next-Generation Consortial Catalog”.
What can you produce when you bring together 10 University of California campuses, the California Digital Library (CDL), an existing union catalog, Online Computer Library Center (OCLC), multiple task groups and the efforts of numerous individuals? In our case, the result is the Next-Generation Melvyl pilot which draws together content from UC’s existing union catalog and provides it on OCLC’s WorldCat Local Platform. We will review the implementation process, the challenges encountered, beneficial features, and next steps.

A brief IG business meeting will follow the discussion.