LITA Town Meeting

LITA President-Elect Michelle Frisque invites LITA members to the LITA Town Meeting, Monday, January 26, 2009, 8:00 am – 10:00 am, Colorado Convention Center, Korbel Ballroom 2C.

Meet your fellow LITA members, and participate in a conversation about what role LITA plays in the larger information, association, community-building, and technology- related landscape. What makes LITA unique? Special guests from other organizations that are involved in the technology related landscape will also attend and participate in the discussion.

Rick Lugg and associates from R2 have graciously offered their services and will be facilitating the discussion.

Other participating organizations include:
American Society for Information Sciences & Technology (ASIS&T) http://www.asis.org/
Association for Library Collections & Technical Services (ALCTS) http://www.ala.org/ala/mgrps/divs/alcts/alcts.cfm
Digital Library Federation http://www.diglib.org/
OCLC http://www.oclc.org
Reference and User Services Association (RUSA) http://www.ala.org/ala/mgrps/divs/rusa/index.cfm
TAIGA http://www.taigaforum.org/