Standards Watch

DOI Standard up for ballot

Cindy Hepfer, ALA Voting Representative to NISO, has brought to our attention an upcoming ballot for ISO/DIS 26324 (Digital Object Identifier System).

The announcement states:

“This International Standard specifies the syntax, description and resolution functional components of the digital object identifier (DOI®) system, and the general principles for the creation, registration and administration of DOI names. This standard also describes how the DOI system can be used with existing ISO identification systems, including the provision of additional functionality (such as resolution) where this is not already available.”

Cindy points out that this may be our last opportunity to make substantive comments to this standard. If there is 100% approval, the standard can go directly to publication. Comments from ALA members can influence the NISO vote (ALA does not vote on ISO standards directly).

Cindy is authorized to provide a draft to ALA members who wish to comment—she can be contacted directly via email at Be sure to include in the message a statement that you are a current ALA member (and please also copy me at, thanks!) Comments are due to Cindy by Friday, Feb. 12, 2010.

Diane I. Hillmann
LITA Standards Coordinator