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New Liaison Ballots, comments needed quickly!

Cindy Hepfer, ALA Voting Representative to NISO, has passed on to us information about two upcoming ballots. Both of these have deadlines coming up very quickly.

1. Liaison ballot for ISO/FDIS 29383, Terminology policies — Development and implementation.

“This International Standard provides policy makers in governments, administration, non-profit and commercial organizations with guidelines and a methodology for the development and implementation of a comprehensive policy or strategy concerning the planning and management of terminology. This International Standard is designed for policy makers working in different environments, from language planning to for-profit companies.”

Deadline for comments to Cindy is May 18, 2010 .

2. ISO/NP 14641-1 , Electronic archiving – Specifications concerning the design and the operation of an information system for electronic information preservation.

This is a short turn-around ballot to provide comments for a liaison new work item proposal. Deadline for comments to Cindy is May 11, 2010.

“This proposal is to develop a standard providing a set of technical specifications and organizational policies to be implemented for capture, archival and access of Electronically Stored Information (ESI); ensuring legibility, integrity and traceability of this information for the duration of their preservation and use. This standard is applicable to permanent archives and therefore does not refer to systems in which users have the ability to substitute or alter ESI after capture.”

Since these are liaison ballots, NISO can only “recommend” a U.S. vote and provide comments. Feedback from ALA members will be provided to NISO, who will review and consider our feedback along with that received from numerous other voting members. Cindy can provide access to the documents only to ALA members—please contact her directly at (please copy me at so I can track LITA interest).

Diane I. Hillmann
LITA Standards Coordinator