OITP Telecommunications Subcommittee

Welcome & Comments Legislative/Regulatory Update * Outcomes of 109th Congress — “Not too much” harm done? * “Predictions” for 110th Congress — Universal Service reform (E-Rate) — Network Neutrality — Spectrum Allocation/Ownership — DOPA (again) * State Issues — S-DOPA (State-level DOPA look-alikes) — Idaho is already facing an S-DOPA *Other news — E-Rate is 10 years old this February Internet2 – Presentation from Lou Fox * Defined I2 * K20 * Demoed some projects utilizing K20/I2 * Last mile & bandwidth/workstation difficulties * Immedeate issue is not getting 10meg to every workstation, the issue is getting access to the network to experiment and see how the bandwidth can support applications for multiple audiences (public libraries) * High res and detailed streaming programs are being produced at academic libraries on I2 * Need to figure out how to do a national non-profit which can apply for E-Rate nationally, how to…


Web Coordinating Committee

Introductions *Mary Taylor introduced our new staff liaison, Melissa Prentice * David Altenhof, Kyle Felker, Howard Sherman, Aaron Dobbs, Janet Arth, Nick Baker, Melissa Prentice, Sue Peacock, Bonnie Postlethwaite IG & Comm Chair meeting discussion — David Altenhof & Aaron Dobbs * Recognise duplication & triplication of effort in reporting (an archival copy, blog, and wiki) — Archival copy (must be submitted by Chair of IG or Committee) — blog posts about meetings could be linked (let IG or Committee Web coordinator know about specific requests) — wiki posts about meetings could also be linked * Conclusions / Action Items — Archival Quality Minutes are mandatory (required by Association (LITA & ALA) — Kyle Felker offered to look at writing a reports page to stick in WordPress which will list required report elements, send an email for the “official” archive, and post the official meeting report (go Kyle!) (see Meeting…


IG Chairs meeting

Introductions Bylaws and Organization – Margaret Kelly) Program Planning Committee – Rachel Cheng * PPC Liaison list handout (file will be linked when I get a copy) * PPC will make new guidelines for IG chairs with minimum program information and drop-dead deadline * PPC will refer other Divisional requests to IG chairs for co-sponsorship comments IG Communication – Email Lists, Blogs, Wiki, LITA site Official Organization Archive * The LITA site is still the official archive — IG (& Committee) Chairs please remember to fill out your meeting reports on the LITA site form Questions


OITP Advisory Committee Meeting

Welcome, Intro, General Update * OITP is busy & being approached to do more work * ALA Presidential Candidate visits: — Davenport — Information Technology Policy is an area ALA will need to focus upon (she said more & I like her candidacy) — Rettig — Technology is pervasive in the association and he would encourage conversations across the association to get consensus on technology concerns (he said more, too & I like his candidacy) Gates Connectivity and E-Rate Project * Gates wants their results fairly quickly * Base data is not really available * OITP has to do (contract out) the basic research as well as interpretation of the results Digitization Project Discussed background, goals & timeline, and a draft of principles that are already laid out in various current ALA policy, etc. Participatory Networking Report * Building methods to describe participatory networks * Describe how libraries are facilitators…

General information

Washington Office in blogs and pods and flickr

Introducing the ALA Washington Office District Dispatch Blog and Podcast: The ALA Washington Office is implementing new channels of communication to our members. The first is the District Dispatch Blog. Currently one can find current and past ALAWONs, Selected WO Events, Office of Information Technology Policy news and commentary, and the podcast mentioned below. The second is the District Dispatch podcast. District Dispatch #2 futures Rick discussing OITP and #4 features Carrie Lowe discussing E-Rate. Future episodes will include more specific information from OITP and OGR Staff members and podcasts from Midwinter in Seattle. The third is the ALA Washington Office flickr pool.


Office for Information Technology Policy (OITP) Update: Part 2

Alternate (possibly better) title: Participatory Networks: The Library as Conversation (oh wait, I already used the alternate title for a post) Continuing on with the program from Office for Information Technology Policy (OITP) Update: Part 1… (a teaser for this part of the session was as previously blogged on LITAblog, btw) Participatory Networks: The Library as Conversation Joanne Silverstein (jlsilver@syr.edu) Director of Research and Development Information Institute of Syracuse (iis.syr.edu) Information Institute of Syracuse was invited by the Office of Information Technology Policy at the ALA to write a White Paper about recent developments in Web-based innovations and their relationship to, and potential for use in libraries. Background: —Why call it “Participatory Networking”? .The authors propose “participatory networking” as a positive term and concept that libraries can use and promote without the confusion and limitations of previous language. The phrase “participatory network” has a history of prior use that can…


Participatory Networks: The Library as Conversation

ALA OITP and the Information Institute of Syracuse have written a first draft technology brief on participatory networks and interactive social networking. Comments and participation by interested parties are welcome. (wiki and discussion forum) For information about the project, please see the project’s About Page. The draft document will be presented and discussed at the LITA NAtional Forum in Nashville at the end of October; the finalized document will be presented in mid-November.

General information

So, what will I find on the LITA blog?

At the LITA BIGWIG meeting, we were discussing why there is a LITA Blog – a new member said he wasn’t sure of the purpose for the blog. So here’s a little ramble about the LITAblog purpose from the middle of the meeting… Going back to ancient history, I recall the original intent was to Blog the conferences (I think it was ALA-specific conferences). I blabbed off a quickie summary of the history of the intent(s) and have no idea what I said. but there was general agreement that the paragraph below is what you should expect to find here on LITA Blog. Luckily, Chris Strauber has a great memory and he shared a summary of what I said with me: LITA Blog is for posting any library technology related conference content so non-attendees will have access to it, posting content which is related to conference content, and not duplicating…


Leslie Burger’s Blogger Bash

Stopped off at Leslie Burger’s Blogger Bash, which turned out to also be a Celebration for Gulf Coast Library Heroes (the PL employees who just kept coming to work to hlep the public — even though they may have been/still are in the same or worse straits as the general public). Had a grand time, tik-takking away on the sidelines trying to dump everything I heard about the gulf coast libraries into a text file so I could copy & paste it into my blog “later” (read: when I could get free wifi again). Saw & spoke with several fine upstandnig library folken from the gulf coast, and caught up with the lib-bloggers present, including (apologies for forgetting those of you whom I’ve not listed, I’m sure you’ll tease me unmercifully for years to come – especially those of you I’ve linked to the “wrong” blog or heckled when you…


ALA Membership Committee I

ALA Membership Committee I 6/24/2006 10:30 AM — 12:00 PM Morial Convention Center Rm. 290 Mostly fyi, since I’m sure tired of the whole membership dues issue, Council tasked the ALA Membership Committee to study what should be covered in a study about the possibility of a graduated dues structure. Dizzying resolution, imho. If you’re interested in this sort of thing, the details of the preliminary discussion can be found at Annual 2006 – ALA Membership Committee I