Has Library 2.0 Fulfilled its Promise?

Title of conference program: The Ultimate Debate: Has Library 2.0 Fulfilled its Promise? Speakers: Meredith Farkas, Cindi Trainor, David Lee King, Michael Porter; moderated by Roy Tennant. Monday July 13, 2009; 1:30 – 3 pm; McCormick Place West, W-181 Sponsor: Internet Resources and Services Interest Group (IRSIG) This program was presented as a debate, with Roy posing questions for the panel. The room for this presentation was huge, and the room was packed with librarians!  We were seated shoulder to shoulder, with nary an open chair in the room. Roy’s first question was “What does Library 2.0 mean to you?”  Here are the panelists’ responses: Cindi: it’s not only a set of tools, but also a philosophy helps create space that welcome participation by users Michael: it’s what libraries do to fulfill our roles as community and information anchors it’s a plethora of tools that can help libraries become more…