New LITA Strategic Plan

I am pleased to share the new LITA Strategic Plan with you. The LITA Strategic Plan was created using feedback gathered from the R2 Market Survey, the joint LITA Board Meeting with the Committee and Interest Group chairs in 2008, the LITA Town Meetings in 2009 and 2010 and the LITA Board Meeting in 2010. Over the last 5 months the LITA Executive Committee has taken the resultant feedback and created this plan. The LITA Board of Directors approved the plan earlier this month. Here is how the LITA Board would like to proceed. 1. The LITA Strategic Plan has been posted to ALA Connect http://connect.ala.org/node/105818. Members are encouraged to review the new LITA Strategic Plan and post your feedback to ALA Connect by Friday, June 25th. 2. The last 45-60 minutes of the Saturday LITA Board Meeting will be devoted to the LITA Strategic Plan. The Strategic Planning session of the…

General information

LITA Standards Task Force Created

As part of our strategic initiatives, LITA believes it needs to be an active participant in the creation and adoption of standards that align with the library technology community.  We want LITA and its members to serve on the committees, groups, and task forces that develop the standards so we can help shape standards in the library technology realm. This will be an expansion of LITA’s current standards initiatives which includes the work of the Standards Interest Group and the Standard’s Coordinator. Charge: To explore and recommend strategies and initiatives LITA can implement to become more active in the creation and adoption of new technology related standards that align with the library community. Propose an organizational structure that will support and sustain LITA’s increased involvement in the standards arena both within ALA and beyond. To summarize the task force needs to determine: which standard organizations LITA should participate in examples…

General information

LITA Town Meeting 2010

The LITA President reviewed a market survey, comments from the joint LITA Board Meeting with the Committee and Interest Group chairs in 2008, the LITA Town Meeting in 2009 and the LITA Board Meeting in 2010 and identified all of the possible ideas that LITA could explore as potential strategies for the next LITA Strategic Plan.  Those strategies were then sorted under major categories. At today’s LITA Town Meeting we are going to review the the existing strategies and identifying missing strategies. During the Town Meeting we will break out into groups and each group will review one section. Each group will then perform the following tasks for their assigned section: add possible strategies that are missing identify which strategies are worth developing and incorporating into the future strategic plan and give them a time frame (can be complete in 1 year, 2-3 years or 3+ years) identify the possible…

General information

ALA Emerging Leader Program DEADLINE EXTENDED

The ALA Emerging Leaders (EL) program is a leadership development program which enables newer library workers from across the country to participate in problem-solving work groups, network with peers, gain an inside look into ALA structure, and have an opportunity to serve the profession in a leadership capacity. It puts participants on the fast track to ALA committee volunteerism as well as other professional library-related organizations. The EL program kicks off with a daylong session during the ALA Midwinter Meeting. Afterward, it grows and develops in an online learning and networking environment for six months. The program culminates with a poster session presentation to display the results of the project planning work of each group at the ALA Annual Conference. LITA will sponsor 2 Emerging Leaders this year. LITA will contribute $1000 towards expenses ($500 for each conference). The LITA sponsored EL’s will also be paired with the LITA Vice…

General information

Announcing the LITA Online Programming Task Force

LITA needs a system or process to gather, post, and share LITA sponsored programs presented at conferences and events online. Charge: To explore and recommend a systematic approach to gather and post LITA programs presented at events such as ALA Annual Conference, LITA National Forum, LITA Camp, etc. Identify the types of programs that are presented and which are most appropriate for online posting Identify other organizations such as ACRL, PLA, WebJunction, etc, who are currently providing this service to learn about their experiences How should the content be delivered online i.e. live webcast, produced in a studio, screencast, etc. Identify, evaluate, and analyze available systems Identify which systems are best for delivering each type of program Determine who should have access to what types of programs and how. This should include: Identifying the appropriate delivery method Who should have access. Should it be available to all LITA members, available…

Committees and Interest Groups

LITA Electronic Participation Implementation Task Force

LITA has volunteered to assist in the implementation of the Electronic Participation Task Force report in any way that is deemed appropriate.  Mary Ghikas, ALA Senior Associate Executive Director, has posed the question, if ALA provides Internet connectivity in hotels as well as the convention center for Annual Conferences and Midwinters, what can we do to help regular committees (as opposed to governance groups) use it (e.g., develop a toolkit, tip sheet, actual on site help) to connect with absent members at no additional cost (e.g., no conference calls requiring telephone lines, etc.)? Charge: To explore the possibilities for providing technical support to committees which need to include absent members using Internet connectivity.  To develop an implementation plan for the 2009 Annual Conference. Identify levels of support needed and appropriate tool for each level; Identify existing tools and develop new tools as needed; Identify services that might be needed; Determine…

General information

Announcing the LITA Program Process System Task Force

LITA currently does not have a single system to gather, evaluate and approve program proposals that are submitted and share the information among the relevant committees. The LITA Program Planning Committee, LITA Education Committee, LITA National Forum 2009 Committee and LITA Camp are all using various systems to review and select appropriate programs for their events.  Charge:  In support of implementing a centralized system to gather, evaluate and select programs, the LITA Program Process System Task Force will identify systems to determine the most appropriate systems and recommend what they determine to be the best choice(s).  Gather system requirements Identify common elements for all committees as well as unique elements for each committee Identify, evaluate, and analyze available systems Task Force Members: Thanks to the following people for agreeing to serve on this task force: Ranti Junus, Chair (LITA Program Planning Committee) Dale Poulter (LITA Program Planning Committee) Zoe Steward-Marshall (LITA…


LITA Town Meeting Update

I want to thank everyone who participated in this years LITA Town Hall meeting and remind you that you can continue to participate on Twitter. I will continue to follow #litath09, the tag assigned to the Town Meeting, so if you want to add to the conversation please do. I’m listening. Here are the questions we asked during the breakout session: What makes LITA unique inside ALA and in the greater community? Who else is filling the same role as LITA right now? What areas of IT are not be addressed in the community? How do other organizations see LITA? How can LITA work with other organizations? What can LITA learn from peer organizations? We had 12 tables in the room so 2 tables discussed each question. I posted pictures of the notes from each table and they can be found on Flickr. I want to thank the following guests…


The Obligation of Leadership by R. David Lankes

The final keynote of the LITA National Forum 2008 “The Obligation of Leadership” can be found at Virutal Dave … Real Blog. If you missed it do check it out. You can choose how you want to experience it. David posted his slides, audio and video versions of the keynote on his website. If you were lucky enough to be there to experience it in person you may want to listen to it again. It was just as good the second time around.


Assessment and Research Meeting on Friday, Jan 11

The recently formed LITA Assessment and Research Committee hosted a session on Friday morning about establishing a research strategy for LITA. Approximately 20 people from the Assessment and Research Committee, the Membership Committee, Committee and Interest Groups Chairs, LITA Emerging Leaders and the LITA Board participated in the session. Robin Wedewer, from Tecker Consulting, facilitated the session. While the session took place at Midwinter the work began in December via email. Participants were asked to answer a series of questions. Those questions included: Please think about the environment in which you live and work and what is happening in those areas that could have the potential to impact you and your business. As you look to the future, what are the issues and trends that you think could have some effect, either positive or negative, on you and your workplace? In other words, what is going on in the environment…