LITA Publications Committee

I’m posting an abbreviated report here because, from the look of it, the committee report form (which should show up on LITA-L) automagically combines all those carefully-prepared paragraphs into one big ugly paragraph. Ah, the wonders of automation… Anyway: We had five people at the single 2009 ALA Midwinter Meeting session–two committee members (Judy Jeng and Juan Carlos Rodriguez), Board liaison Mark Beatty, ITAL editor Marc Truitt, LITA Executive Director Mary Taylor and me. Given the extent of his advance comments, I’d consider committee member Paul Bracke to be a “virtual attendee.” Topics: ITAL: The December issue is out, enough articles are on hand for the March and June issues, and probably enough for September. New submissions continue to arrive–and, as is typical of a high-value journal, fewer than half of the submissions are accepted. The ITALica blog hasn’t had a lot of activity to date, but it also doesn’t…


LITA IG plans at Midwinter 2009

Seven of the 17 LITA Interest Groups responded to repeated requests for their plans at the 2009 ALA Midwinter Meeting. You’ll find those plans here, on the LITA Wiki. One of the other ten IGs has since noted that it’s not meeting at all during Midwinter. That leaves nine unaccounted for–nine IGs for which one of the following must be true: The IG doesn’t actually exist, or has no chair, or the chair never reported an email address to LITA. The chair won’t deal with email or lists because, you know, they’re so 20th century. The (repeated) request to provide a one-paragraph email response required an unconscionable amount of effort and was ignored. The IG has no plans. The IG has no interest in attracting new members. Which of those is true for each of the nine remaining non-responding IGs? Your guess is as good as mine. NOTE: Don’t send…