LITA Top Tech Trends Annual Program Evaluation

The LITA TTT Committee welcomed an estimated 600+ attendees to the panel session Sunday afternoon in New Orleans. A hearty thanks goes out to each panelist for their insights and willingness to participate in sharing their knowledge: Lorcan Dempsey, Clifford Lynch, Nina McHale, Monique Szendze, and Jennifer Wright. The program evaluation form is available at http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/VW6CCMF and we welcome your thoughts to help inform tweaks or changes that may help with future programs.


Top Tech Trends – Midwinter 2009 Audio edition

This time around for Top Tech Trends we were able to stream the video, but we weren’t ignoring the audio either! Here’s just an MP3 of the session, edited a tiny bit for length and able to be loaded on to your favorite portable audio player. I apologize in advance for too much keypress noise on the recording. I was monitoring the sound, but couldn’t hear the fact that my typing was so loud! Sorry if that annoys anyone. In any case, here we are: LITA Top Tech Trends from ALA Midwinter 2009!