LITA IG Chairs, Sat. 8:30 – 9:30 AM

The meeting was facilitaed by Matt Calsada, LITA IG Coordinator. * IG Renewals – Mary Ellen Tyckoson, Bylaws & Organization Committee, discussed items missing from renewal forms and IG’s not heard from re: their renewals. Suggestion was made to change wording so IG only has to attach reports from the last 3 meetings if they haven’t been posted to the web. Reminder given that renewals are every 3 years and Chairs should talk to the group at Midwinter re: function statement or name changes (and get Chair, Vice Chair signatures on renewal form). * Program Planning Committee – Rachel Cheng handed out proposal form, checklist, and diagram for interacting with PPC (guide also on web). Chairs should talk to PPC at conference (meet Sunday & Monday at 10:30). Even managed discussions should talk to them to get scheduled and help get the meeting advertised. * Matt reminded everyone that more…


LITA Joint Committee and IG Chairs Mtg, Sat 8-8:30 (ish)

The meeting was chaired by Scott Muir, LITA Committee Coordinator and Matt Calsada, LITA IG Coordinator. * LITA President Pat Mullin reminded everyone to get the word out quickly about program/meeting changes (use the blog, for example). * The incoming LITA Web Manager is David Altenhof (couldn’t be here due to flight cancellation). * LITA Vice President Bonnie Postlewaite and Executive Director Mary Taylor shared info about the new Online Communities. The Comm/IG Chair will need to get remote 3-hour administrator training & set-up from Louise Gruenberg, ALA e-Learning Instructional Designer, and then members can get 2-hour training for how to use (some may need less time, prefer groups, happens over web and phone). * In addition to the blog for communicating with the general membership, LITA now has a Wiki to post topics for which you desire community input. * The LITA Board has a new conflict of interest…