Awards and Scholarships

Submit a Nomination for the Prestigious Kilgour Technology Research Award

LITA and OCLC invite nominations for the 2020 Frederick G. Kilgour Award for Research in Library and Information Technology. Submit your nomination no later than December 31, 2019. The Kilgour Research Award recognizes research relevant to the development of information technologies, in particular research showing promise of having a positive and substantive impact on any aspect of the publication, storage, retrieval, and dissemination of information or how information and data are manipulated and managed. The winner receives $2,000 cash, an award citation, and an expense-paid trip (airfare and two nights lodging) to the 2020 ALA Annual Conference in Chicago, IL. Nominations will be accepted from any member of the American Library Association. Nominating letters must address how the research is relevant to libraries; is creative in its design or methodology; builds on existing research or enhances potential for future exploration; and/or solves an important current problem in the delivery of…

Awards and Scholarships

Congratulations to Sharon Han, winner of the 2019 LITA / Ex Libris Student Writing Award

Photo of Sharon Han

Sharon Han has been selected as the winner of the 2019 Student Writing Award sponsored by Ex Libris Group and LITA for her paper titled “Weathering the Twitter Storm: Early Uses of Social Media as a Disaster Response Tool for Public Libraries During Hurricane Sandy.” Han is a Master of Science in Library and Information Science candidate at the University of Illinois School of Information Sciences. “Sharon Han’s paper is an excellent case study of the nascency of social media that also offers pragmatic guidance for libraries responding to community needs in times of crisis. Her substantial dataset, well-developed taxonomy, and the systematic coding and analysis resulted in interesting research findings as well as fertile grounds for further research on social media as an extension of library services,” said Lisa Janicke Hinchliffe, the Chair of this year’s selection committee. When notified she had won, Han remarked, “I am honored to receive…


You can support LITA Avramcamp 2019 today!

AdaCamp logo

Every year, LITA organizes AvramCamp at ALA Annual, a preconference centering women and non-binary individuals in technology work. This event allows attendees to not only discuss challenges in their work, but build community and self-reflect in a brave space. We are asking for support from you. Your donation supports scholarships for AvramCamp attendees including registration and travel, common barriers for students, as well as new and early career librarians, to attend ALA Annual events. We encourage donations of all sizes and hope you share this with your networks. Thank you and please let us know if you have any questions. For other questions or comments related to LITA events, contact us at (312) 280-4268 or Learn more about AdaCamp and the Ada Initiative. Sponsor We thank our sponsor, OCLC, for supporting travel scholarships to help build connections for participants who would not otherwise have access to these opportunities.

Awards and Scholarships

Congratulations to NCSU Libraries, winner of the 2019 LITA/Library Hi Tech Award

Picture of the NCSU Libraries building at sunset

The North Carolina State University Libraries has been selected to receive the 2019 LITA/Library Hi Tech Award for Outstanding Communication in Library and Information Technology. Sponsored by Emerald Publishing and the Library and Information Technology Association (LITA), the Award recognizes outstanding individuals or institutions for their long-term contributions to the education of the Library and Information Science technology field. “The Award Committee selected NC State University because of its work through the Data Science and Visualization Institute for Librarians (DSVIL) to increase the pool of data science-savvy people working in libraries,“ said Chair Tod A. Olson. Since 2015, the annual week-long event has hosted 119 participants, and covered topics such as data exploration, statistical analysis, bibliometric analysis, data visualization, data description, sharing, and reuse, data cleaning and preparation, version control with git and github, analyzing textual data, and mapping and geospatial visualization. Olson went on to commend the team at…

Awards and Scholarships

Congratulations to Charles McClure, winner of the 2019 LITA/OCLC Kilgour Research Award

Photo of Charles McClure

Charles McClure has been selected as the recipient of the 2019 Frederick G. Kilgour Award for Research in Library and Information Technology, sponsored by OCLC and the Library and Information Technology Association (LITA). He is the Francis Eppes Professor of Information Studies in the School of Information at Florida State University and the Director of the Information Use Management and Policy Institute at FSU. Previously he was a Distinguished Professor at the iSchool at Syracuse University and Associate Professor at the University of Oklahoma. The Kilgour Award honors research relevant to the development of information technologies, especially work which shows promise of having a positive and substantive impact on any aspect(s) of the publication, storage, retrieval and dissemination of information, or the processes by which information and data are manipulated and managed. It recognizes a body of work probably spanning years, if not the majority of a career. The winner…

Awards and Scholarships

Riko Fluchel Is Our 2018-19 LITA/OCLC Spectrum Scholar

Picture of Riko Fluchel

LITA and OCLC are funding Riko Fluchel’s participation in the ALA Spectrum Scholars program as part of their commitment to help diversify the library technology field. Riko  is a second year at the University of Washington Information School MLIS program, where he is focusing on Information Architecture and Design. He is deeply interested in the ways information architecture facilitate or hinder information literacy, as well the applications of linked data and cultural heritage. Through the Spectrum program, he hopes to find mentorship and grow professionally as a digital humanist and information architect. When notified of his selection, Riko said, “I’m very honored to receive this scholarship, and I’m excited to deepen my skills in library and information technologies with the best in the field!” The ALA Spectrum Scholarship Program actively recruits and provides scholarships to American Indian/Alaska Native, Asian, Black/African American, Hispanic/Latino, Middle Eastern and North African and/or Native Hawaiian/Other…

Awards and Scholarships

LIS Students: Apply for the Larew Scholarship for Tuition Help

Go for it!

LITA and Baker & Taylor are accepting applications for the LITA/Christian (Chris) Larew Memorial Scholarship for those who plan to follow a career in library and information technology, demonstrate potential leadership, and hold a strong commitment to library automation. The winner will receive a $3,000 check and a citation. The application form is open through March 1, 2019. Criteria for the Scholarship includes previous academic excellence, evidence of leadership potential, and a commitment to a career in library automation and information technology. Candidates should illustrate their qualifications for the scholarship with a statement indicating the nature of their library experience, letters of reference and a personal statement of the applicant’s view of what they can bring to the profession. Winners must have been accepted to a Master of Library Science (MLS) program recognized by the American Library Association. References, transcripts, and other documents must be postmarked no later than March 1, 2019,…

Awards and Scholarships

Call Opens for Innovative LIS Student Writing

2018 Ex Libris Student Writing Award presentation

LITA is pleased to offer an award for the best unpublished manuscript submitted by a student or students enrolled in an ALA-accredited graduate program. Sponsored by LITA and Ex Libris, the award consists of $1,000, publication in LITA’s refereed journal, Information Technology and Libraries (ITAL), and a certificate. The deadline for submission of the manuscript is February 28, 2019. The award recognizes superior student writing and is intended to enhance the professional development of students. The manuscript can be written on any aspect of libraries and information technology. Examples include, but are not limited to, digital libraries, metadata, authorization and authentication, electronic journals and electronic publishing, open source software, distributed systems and networks, computer security, intellectual property rights, technical standards, desktop applications, online catalogs and bibliographic systems, universal access to technology, and library consortia. To be eligible, applicants must follow these guidelines and fill out the application form (PDF). Send the signed, completed forms electronically no later than February 28, 2019,…

Awards and Scholarships

Nominate a Colleague Doing Cutting Edge Work in Tech Education for the LITA Library Hi Tech Award

Nominate a Colleague Doing Cutting Edge Work in Tech Education for the LITA Library Hi Tech Award

Submit a nomination today! Nominations are open for the 2019 LITA/Library Hi Tech Award, which is given each year to an individual or institution for outstanding achievement in educating the profession about cutting edge technology within the field of library and information technology. Sponsored by LITA and Library Hi Tech, the award includes a citation of merit and a $1,000 stipend provided by Emerald Publishing, publishers of Library Hi Tech. The deadline for nominations is December 31, 2018. The award, given to either a living individual or an institution, may recognize a single seminal work or a body of work created during or continuing into the five years immediately preceding the award year. The body of work need not be limited to published texts but can include course plans or actual courses and/or non-print publications such as visual media. Awards are intended to recognize living persons rather than to honor the deceased;…

Awards and Scholarships

Submit a Nomination for the Prestigious Kilgour Technology Research Award

LITA and OCLC invite nominations for the 2018 Frederick G. Kilgour Award for Research in Library and Information Technology. Submit your nomination no later than December 31, 2018. The Kilgour Research Award recognizes research relevant to the development of information technologies, in particular research showing promise of having a positive and substantive impact on any aspect of the publication, storage, retrieval, and dissemination of information or how information and data are manipulated and managed. The winner receives $2,000 cash, an award citation, and an expense-paid trip (airfare and two nights lodging) to the 2019 ALA Annual Conference. Nominations will be accepted from any member of the American Library Association. Nominating letters must address how the research is relevant to libraries; is creative in its design or methodology; builds on existing research or enhances potential for future exploration; and/or solves an important current problem in the delivery of information resources. A curriculum vitae and…