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LITA Blog and Wiki Interest Group Social Software Showcase Sat., 6/23, 1:30-3:00 Renaissance Mayflower Cabinet Room Part II of the Social Software Showcase. It’s tres cool that the Showcase is via a wiki. A group of library 2.0 users sat at different tables and discussed and demo-ed different software. It was hard to take it all in. I spent most of my time at the LibraryThing table. LibraryThing for Libraries uses JavaScript. It grabs ISBN, title and author, and links to an outside page. Pages generated are more accessible than the usual OPAC pages, which suck on so many levels. There was a table for Meebo which interested me, but no one seemed to be addressing it. Here’s the link about it on the page–looks interesting. There was also a table about the Facebook developer’s platform, which didn’t interest me much. The Twitter group got the largest crowd. Twitter with…


BIGWIG Social Software Showcase – David Free and David Lee King

As the second piece of the BIGWIG Social Software Showcase, David Free and David Lee King have put together an incredible resource on Twitter on the Showcase wiki: start with David Free, and then move to David Lee King’s to get the full twitter treatment. More Showcase information coming throughout the day. If you are in DC for Annual, please join BIGWIG today Saturday, June 23rd, from 1:30-2:30 in the Renaissance Mayflower Cabinet Room for discussion and conversation during the Social Software Showcase.


BIGWIG Social Software Showcase – Casey Bisson

As the first piece of the BIGWIG Social Software Showcase, Casey Bisson has posted, as he describes it, “an almost-manifesto masquerading as a presentation.” In addition to being thought provoking, Casey has used the Showcase as a place to announce a new project: OpenLibrary. Read up, and feel free to discuss the project here, within the Showcase Forum, or on the Showcase Wiki Discussion pages. We have lots of venues for the virtual world to participate with us here at ALA Annual, so please, join in. More Showcase information coming throughout the day. If you are in DC for Annual, please join BIGWIG today Saturday, June 23rd, from 1:30-2:30 in the Renaissance Mayflower Cabinet Room for discussion and conversation during the Social Software Showcase.