Awards and Scholarships

Riko Fluchel Is Our 2018-19 LITA/OCLC Spectrum Scholar

Picture of Riko Fluchel

LITA and OCLC are funding Riko Fluchel’s participation in the ALA Spectrum Scholars program as part of their commitment to help diversify the library technology field. Riko  is a second year at the University of Washington Information School MLIS program, where he is focusing on Information Architecture and Design. He is deeply interested in the ways information architecture facilitate or hinder information literacy, as well the applications of linked data and cultural heritage. Through the Spectrum program, he hopes to find mentorship and grow professionally as a digital humanist and information architect. When notified of his selection, Riko said, “I’m very honored to receive this scholarship, and I’m excited to deepen my skills in library and information technologies with the best in the field!” The ALA Spectrum Scholarship Program actively recruits and provides scholarships to American Indian/Alaska Native, Asian, Black/African American, Hispanic/Latino, Middle Eastern and North African and/or Native Hawaiian/Other…