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August Library Tech Roundup

Each month, the LITA bloggers will share selected library tech links, resources, and ideas that resonated with us. Enjoy – and don’t hesitate to tell us what piqued your interest recently in the comments section! Brianna M. Here are some of the things that caught my eye this month, mostly related to digital scholarship. Yasmeen Shorish unpacked data-related roles in the library. Thomas Padilla gave practical ideas for undertaking text analysis projects. I’m intrigued by the NCSU Libraries Social Media Archiving Toolkit. DH + Lib shared a cool CFP from the Journal of Open Humanities Data. I enjoyed CRL‘s webinar on text mining tools in the social sciences and humanities. John K. Jason Griffey gives us an overview of Carbon 3D who uses ‘stereolithography’ technology in 3D printing I’m a sucker for to-do lists and Bullet Journaling might be the ultimate to-do list! David Lee King has a round-up of…