Public Libraries Technology Interest Group Midwinter 2009

Meeting had a nice surprise of some new faces… with 15 people in attendance. Yea!

What can you see as usefulness of a group like PLTIG? We had a lively discussion on some ideas:
Competencies in technology in small & rural libraries … survey being done by Emerging Leaders.
Roving Service model and the types of technologies that would support that development.
This could be a place where the technical and non-technical could connect.
Table talks where you could learn from an expert …
Want to listen to what other libraries are doing.
Look into webinars for sharing the information/content
Training structures for libraries (drop-in training and mobile technology … e.g. I-touch)
ACRL pre-conference on how to set up Facebook Apps; search plug-ins; widget box; Google gadgets; libex toolbar;
Sometimes it’s the little libraries and how they are “making do” with smaller budgets & smaller population density… so how does it affect service models.
Mid-sized libraries can have more flexibility in building something new….
The web has changed what smaller libraries can done, leveling the playing field.
The program aspects of what is available tech-wise that librarians can use right away.
Is there a concern about “fragmentation” vs. “consistency”?
Isn’t just important to have a framework… can IT depts do that for staff?
Some people may be dropping those Internet charges and will that mean that “in-person” activity increase even more?
Digitization projects are becoming more important in building content.
What about consortia and what is the impact of delivering technology services to libraries? Cooperation is key.
It looks like we can spin our business meeting into an Ask the Expert moderated discussion with such topics as I-phone apps; Facebook Apps; Roving service technologies; “Delicious” or Online tagging; Best practices… maybe providing a venue to promote what is already out there such as Tech Notes; Is there any technology smaller libraries should skip?;

Advertise “Ask an Expert” in PLA … and other divisions.
Paul will email everyone who is here to ask who they know could be experts…

Then we discussed the SRP program for Annual… assuming we get our Sunday afternoon slot.
We reviewed the panel participants and decided that screen shots will be best for demonstration purposes.
We should also have a hand-out that shows comparatively what each vendor/system is providing.
5-10 minutes per person and then 20 minutes for questions.
Presenters could include the “end-user” experience, their goals, how they implemented, what worked and what didn’t, evaluation. And how to overcome the password protection issue and/or how to retrieve the information. Perhaps each presenter could just pick 2 or 3 topics out of this list in person but everything would be available in a virtual hand-out.

Great meeting!