Standards Watch

Paper Standards to Ballot

The second group of standards announcements passed to us by busy Cindy Hepfer, ALA Voting Representative to NISO, concern standards for paper for permanence and archival uses.

1. Systematic Review, IS0 9706:1994, Paper for documents – Requirements for permanence.

“The purpose of this International Standard is to provide a means of specifying and identifying paper that, according to the present state of knowledge, has a high degree of permanence and is likely to undergo little or no change in properties that influence readability and handling when stored in a protected environment for long periods of time.”

Deadline for comments to Cindy is no later than Wednesday, Feb. 17, 2010.

2. IS0 11108:1996, Archival paper – Requirements for permanence and durability.

“This International Standard specifies the requirements for archival paper. It is applicable to unprinted papers intended for documents and publications required for permanent retention and frequent use. For these documents and publications, paper of high permanence and high durability is required.”

Deadline for comments to Cindy is no later than Tuesday, Feb. 16, 2010.

As usual, these ISO standards documents are not openly available, but ALA members can request documents for the purpose of review and comment from Cindy at (please copy me at Be sure to state explicitly that you ARE a current ALA member — Cindy cannot send you a document without this assurance.

In the absence of other recommendations, ALA will recommend that NISO vote to confirm these standards. If you believe ALA should recommend another option, you must provide comments for Cindy to pass along with ALA’s recommendation.

Diane I. Hillmann
LITA Standards Coordinator