Awards and Scholarships

ALA LITA Emerging Leaders: Inventing a Sustainable Division

In January 2020, the latest cohort of Emerging Leaders met at ALA Midwinter to begin their projects. LITA sponsored two Emerging Leaders this year: Kelsey Flynn, Adult Services Specialist at White Oak Library, and Paige Walker, Digital Collections & Preservation Librarian at Boston College.

Kelsey and Paige are part of Emerging Leaders Group G, “Inventing a Sustainable Division,” in which they’ve been charged with identifying measures that LITA can take to improve its fiscal and environmental sustainability. As a first step in their assessment, the group distributed a survey to LITA members that will quantify interest in sustainable measures such as virtual conferences and webinars. Want to help? Complete the survey to give feedback that may shape the direction of our chapter.

Group G is fortunate to have several other talented library workers on its team: 

  • Kristen Cooper, Plant Sciences Librarian at University of Minnesota
  • Tonya Ferrell, OER Coordinator at University of Nebraska at Omaha
  • Laura Mendez, Branch Manager at San Diego County Library Lemon Grove Branch
  • Tonya Ryals, Assistant Director at Crowley Ridge Regional Library