Five Months With WorldCat Local

Jennifer Ward, Head of Web Services at the University of Washington discussed how her library has implemented a pilot project-WorldCat Local (WCL). WCL at UW searches the local catalog, World Cat, and four article databases. Not all resources are included in WCL. Early English Books Online and Eighteen Century Collections Online are excluded from WCL due to 3rd party license agreement restrictions. Local records that have not been contributed to Summit, and other serials have also been excluded from WCL. Why Test World Cat Local? After several internal discussions about NexGen catalogs and conducting literature reviews in this area, the UW staff made the decision to implement WCL. Some of the key issues they considered were how to work at the higher network level and how to facilitate discovery to delivery. Meeting the User’s Needs The UW implementation team realized that users are diverse with a diverse set of needs….


Lita ERM Interest Group

Ted Koppel raised some compelling issues during his discussions on Ebooks at the ERM Interest Group last week at ALA. In this entry ERM refers to OpenURL, A-Z list and the subscriptions module of this software. ERM software works fairly well with journal content and I believe that library online journal collections have become far more accessible with OpenURL, but how do we use our ERM systems to make Ebook content more accessible? Koppel’s discussion raised several good questions about Ebooks and ERM. There are several management issues with Ebooks. Who supplies the cataloging/meta data? Does it come from the vendor who sells you the Ebook? How granular should the management be? Should there be restrictions at the chapter level or book level? Does the type of content determine who and what can be accessed? For example, users may only be able to access chapters for a particular text or…