General information

Net Neutrality and Its Implications for Libraries

LITA Technology and Access Committee Program MCP W-184 Gregory A. Jackson, University of Chicago; Carrie Lowe, OITP for ALA; Clifford Lynch, Director of the CNI   Clifford Lynch tells Cool History. Thinks Net Neutrality is a relatively new phrase, says it happened within last 10 years–but is an old idea. Monopolies, natural or otherwise. Once upon a time, there was a thing called the Bell System aka “Ma Bell”.


The Open Library Environment Project

McCormick Place West, W-196a Building an ILS for Service Oriented Architecture Structure Beth Forrest-Warner, University of Kansas; Robert H. McDonald, Indiana University; John Little, Duke University; Carlen Ruschoff, University of Maryland. Really, this has as much of a positive implication for public and special libraries as it does for academics, especially as regards financial and HR management integration (think payroll and acquisitions). Not initially, but wait and watch for the trickle-down.

General information

Creating Library Web Services: Mashaps and APIs

Title of the Preconference: Creating Library Web Services: Mashaps and APIs Presenter: Karen Coombs The pre-conference session began shortly after 9AM. Ms. Karen Coombs introduced herself and refreshed participants memory about what “web services are?” and why we need Mashaps and APIs, and what we can do with them and how they work. She presented sample. “An application-programming interface (API) is a set of programming instructions and standards for accessing a Web-based software application or Web tool. A software company releases its API to the public so that other software developers can design products that are powered by its service.” Mashaps and APIs both bring different and disparate data together and enhance the accessibility of an existing source of data, and improvs usability and user interfaces, and make web pages more dynamic and engaging. They allow the users (patrons) to make informed decision about the information the want or need….


Top Tech Trends Topic Poll

The Top Technology Trends committee is gearing up for the discussion at annual, and we’d like your help in picking the topics. What issues would you like to hear the trendsters discuss? Please take a moment and cast your vote! This year’s discussion will be held Sunday, July 12, 1:30 – 3:00 p.m. in the Grand Ballroom of the Intercontinental.

Top Technology Trends

Top Tech Trends for ALA Annual, Summer 2009

This is a list of Top Tech Trends for the ALA Annual Meeting, Summer 2009. Green computing The amount of computing that gets done on our planet has a measurable carbon footprint, and many of us, myself included, do not know exactly how much heat our computers put off and how much energy they consume. With the help from some folks from the University of Notre Dame’s Center for Research Computing, I learned my laptop computer spikes at 30 watts on boot, slows down to 20 watts during normal use, idles at 2 watts during sleep, and zooms up to 34 watts when the screen saver kicks in. Just think how much energy and heat your computer consumes and generates while waiting for the nightly update from your systems department. But realistically, it is our servers that make the biggest impact, and while energy consumption is one way to be…

General information

LITACamp Wrap-up

A big huge thanks to everyone involved in the first ever LITACamp May 7-8, 2009 Colombus, Ohio The terrific Keynote/daily kick off speakers: Joan Frye Williams John Blyberg The sponsors: BCR OCLC The LITA Camp Task Force Mark Beatty David Ward Jennifer Ward Michelle Frisque Zoe Marshall Peter Murray Maurice York Eric Childress Holly Tomren Lisa Thomas and in particular the 50+ attendees. The conference wiki is the source to check at: Experience is showing that attendees interest, contributions and level of participation really makes a “camp”. The LITACamp had a diverse, lively, eager, and really flexible group that contributed to a great experience for all. We were able to utilize a number of un-conference techniques to allow everyone to share and discover want they came to camp for. Each day began with a kick off speaker. Joan Frye Williams the first day and John Blyberg the second. Both…


LITA Happy Hour at ala2009

For those of us, like me, who missed it in the LITA Update last week: Friday, July 10, 2009 LITA Happy Hour 5:30 pm – 8:00 pm, Potter’s Lounge, Palmer House Please join the LITA Membership Development Committee and members from around the country for networking, good cheer, and great fun! Expect lively conversation and excellent drinks. Cash bar.


LITA Highlights for Annual 2009

Annual Conference Highlights for Those Attending All programs and meetings details LITA BIGWIG gCal Friday Evening with LITA Friday, July 10, 2009 LITA 101: Open House 4:00 pm – 5:30 pm, Water Tower Place in the Palmer House Hotel LITA Open House is a great opportunity for current and prospective members to talk with Library and Information Technology Association (LITA) leaders and learn how to make connections and become more involved in LITA activities. Andrew Pace, LITA President; Donald Lemke, LITA Membership Development Committee Chair; Holly Yu, LITA Interest Group Coordinator; and Scott Muir, LITA Committee Coordinator and many other LITA leaders will be present. (and the reason we all get to annual on Friday night) LITA Happy Hour 5:30 pm – 8:00 pm, Potter’s Lounge, Palmer House Please join the LITA Membership Development Committee and members from around the country for networking, good cheer, and great fun! Expect lively…