Having fun at ALA

Who says that librarians can’t let their hair down and have some fun? The LITA happy hour on Friday at the Mixx Bar was a great example to the contrary. The bar area was filled with people networking, chatting, and generally having a good time. I wasn’t sure what to expect since I had never been to a LITA event before and didn’t know anyone there. However, people all around were smiling and many people were quick to open their circle and let a new-comer join the conversation. I met Abigail Goben the Hedgehog Librarian wearing a hedgehog necklace, two new incoming LITA Board members, and many others. It’s great to host a happy hour on the first night because it gives people the opportunity to meet people casually before the conference really begins. Also, have you heard that word-of-mouth is the best way to get out information about your…


Blog Schedule: ALA Annual 2010

LITA Blog is looking for volunteers to blog about conference sessions and speakers, areas of interest, and general conference atmosphere. Below you’ll find a preliminary list of programs. These are the priority coverage areas, but LITA welcomes and encourages blogging on other programs and events as well. Please feel free to volunteer to cover items not listed here. Also, note that more than one person blogging an event is allowed and even encouraged. Wondering what exactly is going on during each session? Visit the official LITA at Annual page or ALA’s main conference page for all ALA events to see complete descriptions. To help out, fill in a volunteer form online. No experience required to blog, though we would love to see some of our experienced volunteers back again. If you have any questions, email Brett Bonfield. Thursday, June 24 6:00 p.m. LYRASIS Lounge 7:00 p.m. Eats with LITA Friday,…


Proposals for ALA Annual 2011

While it may seem insane, it is time once again to start thinking of presentation and program topics for next year, the 2011 Annual Conference, in New Orleans, LA, June 23–29, 2011. Think about it this way: see something or hear about something cool at Annual 2010 in DC? Make it better, faster, stronger for 2011! As with last year, the Program Planning Committee is taking all proposals electronically through the form below. Deadline? July 31st, 2010. Get your proposals in when you get back from ALA 2010! Loading…


New LITA Strategic Plan

I am pleased to share the new LITA Strategic Plan with you. The LITA Strategic Plan was created using feedback gathered from the R2 Market Survey, the joint LITA Board Meeting with the Committee and Interest Group chairs in 2008, the LITA Town Meetings in 2009 and 2010 and the LITA Board Meeting in 2010. Over the last 5 months the LITA Executive Committee has taken the resultant feedback and created this plan. The LITA Board of Directors approved the plan earlier this month. Here is how the LITA Board would like to proceed. 1. The LITA Strategic Plan has been posted to ALA Connect http://connect.ala.org/node/105818. Members are encouraged to review the new LITA Strategic Plan and post your feedback to ALA Connect by Friday, June 25th. 2. The last 45-60 minutes of the Saturday LITA Board Meeting will be devoted to the LITA Strategic Plan. The Strategic Planning session of the…

Standards Watch

ISO Approval Ballots

This last “standards flood” posting includes two ISO approval ballots, sequentially numbered but (it seems) to be used in tandem. 1. ISO/DIS 30300, Information and documentation–Management system for records–Fundamentals and vocabulary. “This International Standard establishes the objectives for using a Management System for Records (MSR), provides principles for an MSR, describes a process approach and specifies roles for top management. It also defines terms and definitions applicable to the ISO 30300 series of International Standards.” 2. ISO/DIS 30301, Information and documentation — Management system for records — Requirements “This Standard specifies requirements for a Management Systems for Records (MSR) to support an organization in the achievement of its mandate, mission, strategy and goals through the development and implementation of a records policy and objectives and the measurement and monitoring of performance.” If these standards receive 100% approval from the international voting members of the ISO committee TC46/SC11, they can go…

Standards Watch

New ISO Work Items

More catch up on standards announcements follow. Please note the separate deadlines for comments to Cindy Hepfer, the ALA Voting Representative to NISO. 1. TC46/SC9 New Work Item Proposal Thesauri and interoperability with other vocabularies – Part 2: Interoperability with other vocabularies. “This ballot is to approve a new work item for Part 2 of ISO 25964, which will deal with thesauri and other types of vocabulary that are commonly used for information retrieval. Part 1 of ISO 25964 is a merger and revision of two existing ISO standards — ISO 2788, Documentation — Guidelines for the establishment and development of monolingual thesauri, and ISO 5964, Documentation — Guidelines for the establishment and development of multilingual thesauri. The whole of Part 2 will cover new ground not previously covered in any international standard. A working draft of Part 2 is included with the proposal. It is proposed that the same…

Standards Watch

ISCI and Language Resources Management

I’m a bit behind on these announcements, so expect a small flood while I catch up prior to Annual. As usual in these times I’ll group what I can. 1. ISO/DIS 27730, Information and documentation — International standard collection identifier (ISCI) “This International Standard establishes the specifications for the International Standard Collection Identifier (ISCI) as a unique international identification system for each collection, fond and (archival) series, and part(s) of collections, fonds and series. This International Standard establishes the specifications for the structure of an identifier and promotes the use of the identifier with regard to identifying systems that already exist. It also gives a list of recommended metadata elements that describe a collection. If this standard receives 100% approval from the international voting members of the ISO committee TC46/SC9, it can go directly to publication. This level of a draft standard is usually the last stage at which substantive…