LITA Board I: the Armageddon

Actually, these are generally pretty tame affairs. I just thought I’d jazz it up a little. Sadly, I won’t be attending LITA Board II: Electric Boogaloo. Anybody can come to these, you know. And they put the agenda up in advance. To some extent, I would have just come out of habit — walk without thinking on the Saturday morning of an ALA conference, and here I am — six years’ habit dies hard. But I also knew they would be having a Board discussion, this time on LITA’s education function. And I knew they would have refreshments. What’s not to like? By the way, the topic for discussion at Annual Conference Board I (June 24) will be membership. So you can’t complain now that you didn’t have enough advance notice. One of the items on the agenda was LITA’s views on the proposed RFID Guidelines. The Executive Committee are…


LITA Gets It

These aren’t really notes from the Saturday LITA Board meeting (my third meeting today so far). This is just my observation, as an ALA politico, that LITA is a breath of fresh air in ALA. I was just at the ALA Orientation for new ALA Councilors. I was talking with a councilor who is on another division board, and he pointed out that he arrives at ALA with a thick stack of pre-work–as we in LITA governance do–while ALA Councilors arrive at the conference with at most three pieces of paper. This is because LITA gets it: our responsibilities flow reasonably smoothly from our digital to analog workspaces, so the work at our four meetings every year is not at the “what is this” stage but at the much more advanced level of “what needs to happen now with this proposal/resolution/issue.” Yes, face-to-face is invaluable (it’s no fun drinking alone),…


LITA Committee/IG Chairs Meeting

I’m baaaccckkk!!! I haven’t been to any conferences in about a year and a half, and that was sufficient to actually make me look forward to attending an ALA Midwinter. I even managed to make it to the 8am Committee/IG Chairs Meeting by 8:05. Hey, I had to get my Diet Coke, okay? And I paid $3.50 for it in the Convention Center, so it deserved my due attention. This meeting is, obviously, aimed at committee/interest group chairs, but anybody can come really — anybody who can make it to an 8am meeting, anyway — and it’s a good way to get updated on LITA news at the beginning of the conference. Various tidbits: Someone asked about the online communities pilot that ALA did about 6 months ago — what was the upshot of that? The online community option is available now; just contact Mary Taylor about getting one set…


More: LITA Happy Hour

LITA Happy Hour trice Originally uploaded by pix4lita. The best kept secret about LITA is the people. We come back year after year to this organization because the people are so nice, wonderful, and supportive. As a new librarian, this was the first group that welcomed me with open arms so I have stayed and made them my home in ALA. It was great to see everyone last night. –MBoule


LITA Happy Hour

LITA Happy Hour Originally uploaded by pix4lita. LITAers gathered at On A Half Shell Oyster Bar last night to meet, mingle, and take over the world. It was a good showing of people, of which this is only a few. Everyone seemed happy to be in San Antonio, which greeted us with cloudy skies, but welcomed us all the same.


Sarah Houghton’s Top Technology Trends

I am unable to attend ALA Midwinter again this year, but here are my top technology trends. Someone can read them in a big booming voice so it will sound impressive 😉 IM reference goes mainstream After reading the existing studies showing that co-browsing is of limited value in many chat reference situations and thinking about how much money they’re spending on their web-based chat products, libraries will begin to re-think how they offer live online reference to their users. More and more libraries (as has been the trend for the last year) will adopt instant messaging for online reference, either in addition to or as a replacement for their existing expensive and bloated web-based chat products. A year ago I and a few others were called shortsighted and sometimes even “stupid” for pointing out the negatives of web-based chat. We were also called “extremist” and “too youth-oriented” for promoting…


Ray Schwartz at Happy Hour

A Picture Share! Originally uploaded by pix4lita. This is a shot of Ray at Happy Hour. I uploaded this from my Treo, which has horrible resolution. You know how you sometimes miss a feature of an older technology? I just upgraded laptops, and tonight dearly missed the SD slot on my older Dell. Dang, that was a nice feature. Maybe I can find a PC card that does that, but on my older laptop it was built in, so I could tuck in the SD card from my camera and bada-bing, bada-boom, upload and away I go. Oh, for the good old days…


OCLC Symposium

A Picture Share! Originally uploaded by pix4lita. Several of us attended at least part of the OCLC Symposium. This blurry picture from Karen’s Treo is of a large screen that said “Library 2.0.” Perhaps we’ll get a LITA write-up, but Shifted Librarian already has a really good discussion of this symposium.