
LITA Election podcasts

Upcoming next week: the 2008 LITA Election podcast series! Last year we serenaded you with the dulcet tones of our nominees, to try and help you make informed choices about next year’s LITA Leadership. This year, we will do the same. All of the nominees were asked to participate in a question and answer session, and 6 of them took us up on the offer. With the help of the amazing David Lee King, we’re processing those interviews now, and will begin rolling them out next Monday, March 10th. We’ll have all of the audio out before the opening of the polls on March 17th, and we can all exercise our voting privileges. So make sure and swing by on Monday the 10th, and stay tuned all through the week. If you have any questions or problems with the podcasts as they are posted, please leave a comment and we’ll…

LITA Officers

First Days on the Job as LITA President

The ALA Annual Conference in New Orleans was an awe-inspiring experience on many levels. I was so overwhelmed by the gratitude of the New Orleaneans who could not have done a better job of making the 16,000+ visitors comfortable. New Orleans has a huge struggle ahead as the recovery has only begun. ALA set the example to the world that we believe in the city and want to help as much as possible in its recovery. Librarians not only helped economically by coming to the city, but many donated time and energy through volunteer service. I am proud to have attended the conference and even prouder that ALA chose to keep the conference in New Orleans. I began my LITA Presidency at the end of the day on Tuesday, June 27. I want to thank Pat Mullin for all he did in the past year as President. He has been…